In The Beginning...

The beginnings of my Pastafarian ministry took root in March 2020, when I was trying to find truth in the mire of the media of the time.  Seven months prior, I'd resigned my position on a church Administrative Board after piecing together a trail of deception by the Pastor.  I was done with being "preached at" in 2019, and the media climate of 2020 filled me with disgust.

My unsuccessful search for truth in March 2020 left me feeling very low... so low that I slogged to Virginia Beach to stare at the Atlantic Ocean.  At Virginia Beach, I found comfort - because no matter how many things were shut down, Mother Nature and her tides wouldn't be scared into submission.

Even with the peaceful waves in view, I kept searching for truth in media content.  I searched all the major religions for their statements on the demands for submission.  I searched... and searched... and searched.  

I wish I could remember exactly what linked me to the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, but a random search reference exposed me to the enlightening touch of Quob's Noodly Appendage.  A heaviness was lifted from my shoulders, and in that moment, I was called to serve my new church!  Shortly after, I was ordained as Sister Kay Schneider.  

With my new church calling, I immediately thought about Pastafarian evangelism.  I came up with the idea of leaving noodles in hotel rooms (alongside evangelism books from other religions), and I started placing gifts of Ramen Noodle Soup Packets in rooms in April 2020.

My first facebook pages were censored, so in 2022 I started a Twitter/X page and this blog.

I have profound respect for my Pastafarian brethren who wear their head coverings in public every day.  I wish I could, but for now, I share my faith with discretion to avoid persecution.

I haven't yet heard from anyone who has found a noodle gift.  If anyone has, I very much hope they enjoyed the warmth of Nourishing Noodles from the Tetrazzini Fellowship.

May Peace and Pasta Be With All! 

Sister Kay 


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