
Showing posts from October, 2023

Imagine There's No Heaven - It's Easy If You Try

This letter from 1999, written by Salman Rushdie, tickles my Pastafarian brain - especially since it predates Rep. Henderson's 2005 revelation. Excerpt from Letters to the Six Billionth World Citizen: --- Dear little Living Person: As one of the newest members of a notoriously inquisitive species, it probably won't be too long before you start asking the two questions with which the rest of us have been wrestling for some time: How did we get here? And, now that we are here, how shall we live? Oddly - it will almost certainly be suggested to you that the answer to the question of origins requires you to believe in the existence of a further, invisible, ineffable Being "somewhere up there", an omnipotent creator whom we poor limited creatures are unable even to perceive, much less to understand.  That is, you will be strongly encouraged to imagine a heaven, with at least one god in residence. This sky god, it's said, made the universe by churning its matter in a gi...

A Warm Welcome

If you're curious about the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, but are hesitant to sign up at , here are some excerpts from the warm welcome you can expect to receive from Rep. Bobby Henderson: " We're thrilled to welcome you to the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster (FSM)!  As a church that has been sailing under the radar for hundreds of years, we're happy to have you onboard as we navigate the waters of faith, community, and the holy power of Pasta.  In our Church, you'll find Believers, skeptics, Pirates, and noodle enthusiasts of all sorts.  ... Whether you're here because you feel a deep connection with the FSM, or you're drawn to our values, humor, or community, your place in our congregation is cherished. Even if you're skeptical or a member of another religion, you're always welcome here.  Of course not everyone will agree about religion.  Let's remember to take part in healthy discussions with those who se...